First ever stream!:
2023-11-13 18:30:00+00:00
I'm Live, Come and join the fun
Watch Now, you know you want to!

Category: Uncategorized

Stream start dates revealed

It’s a go gamers! I am pleased to announce that I will be streaming on Kick from November 13th 2023. All streams will be streamed on I have also opened a VOD page on this website so you can always catch up if you miss a stream.

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I am excited to announce my new sponsor for 2023 – 2024

I am pleased to announce that all my streams are sponsored by, So if you are struggling with your mental health and need support from nonprofessionals but people just like you. Where you will not be judged or ridiculed then join the community. They have apps on both Google Play and iOS app stores. […]

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My New Ad
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